Thursday, 30 April 2020

School places

1. Do the activity

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

School objects

1. Do the worksheet.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020


1. Do the worksheet.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Wizard's School

1. Watch the video

2. Do the worksheet.

School Supplies, an interactive worksheet by MrsMaite

Thursday, 23 April 2020


1. How old are they? Do you remember the numbers?

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Domestic or wild?

1. Are they domestic or wild animals?

Domestic or wild?, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Animal classes

1. Select the correct group? Then press Finish and Send it to your teacher (pregunta a tus padres mi correo)

Vertebrates, an interactive worksheet by noeveintiuno

2. More animals

Monday, 20 April 2020

In the jungle

1. Mira la historia. 

2. Di el diálogo con Esther. Después repite la historia y di el diálogo con Duncan. Esfuérzate para conseguir una buena entonación y una buena pronunciación.

3. Haz la siguiente ficha. Cuando termines pincha en Finish. Después elige Email the answers to my teacher, and write: 
- Tu nombre completo
- Tu grupo (3A, 3B o 3C)
- School subject: English
- Pide a tus padres mi correo electrónico, escríbelo correctamente en la casilla.
- pincha el botón Send para enviarme la ficha.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Let's act out!

1. Mira y escucha la historia. Apréndete uno de los papeles. Pon el vídeo y di tu papel al mismo tiempo que el personaje. Cuida tu pronunciación y tu entonación. ¡Ensaya!

2. ¿Te animas a hacer otro papel? ¡Vamos, tú puedes! Y es divertido.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

What can you do?

1.Watch the pumpkins.

2. Haz una lista en dos culminas de las cosas que pueden y no pueden hacer las calabazas. ¿Qué lista es mayor?

1. She/He can...                                                          1. She/He can't...

2.                                                                                2. 

Can animals do this?

1. Can these animals do this?

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Can you feel...?

1. Can you feel the love tonight?

2. Complete the animals and the actions.

Animals, an interactive worksheet by Mavitm

can - can't, an interactive worksheet by farfour

Can or can-t, an interactive worksheet by barby289

Can you play...?

What can you do?

1. Watch the video and remember

2. Watch and answer

3. Write on a paper six activities you can do, and six activities you can't do.

  - I can swim
   - I can't sail.
   - ..............
 4. Do this worksheet. Press Finish and Check my answers

Can or Can't, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Unit 4.4 Do you like...?

1. Click here and do the worksheet.

2. Do the worksheet.
Do you like?, an interactive worksheet by DinevaKatya

Unit 4.3 Life in Space

1. Watch the video again: Life in Space

2. Remember the differences between life on Earth and life in Space. Click here and do the worksheet